Tuesday, 2 July 2013

July 1st and 2nd Progress

For most of what I have been working on over the last couple days, it has been small things. No huge features to be implemented so I have begun to go over the game and fix it up. I tested the game as it is now and came across quite a few problems. A large portion of these problems were fixed already with a few still to go. In addition to fixing many bugs/glitches I was also able to adjust a couple things and make some minor improvements including:
-Sound FX created/enhanced
-Sound FX implemented into several clickable features/menus
-Skills information display has been improved
Lastly, a fairly embarrassing mistake that I actually hadn't noticed until just recently, the in game time went through 61 minutes in an hour (e.g.  7:60, then 8:00)

Greenguy and Skyepilot have also jumped in to help me with getting renewal ready for beta. Greenguy is working on making some indoor decore for the shops, while Skyepilot is fixing up some small errors made in the World Beyond Generator.

Tomorrow I will continue to fix up the rest of the glitches I have found as well as making small improvements still.


P.S Getting pumped to release beta version soon!
Don't forget to sign up for beta if you haven't already by sending an email to: RenewalTheGame_Support@hotmail.com

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