Today I was able to finish up on more of the GUI and midnight attack feature. The newly added GUI has a toggle feature, allowing you to render it invisible, therefore getting it off of your screen. I made some major modifications to the equation regarding size of the midnight attack, to ensure that the game doesn't get impossible to survive after so long.
Here are some sections of screenshots regarding the new features. The top banner (red) is the day number you are on (days survived). The second (green) banner represents the strength of the upcoming midnight attack. Lastly, the third (blue) banner represents the strength of your towns defences/survivors. The second screenshot is just displaying the toggle feature, when this section of the HUD is toggled off (via the small blue button).
I have done some calculating and discovered that in the course of 30 minutes (real time) a full day (in game) passes by. This gives you plenty of time to get your town going good and to focus on quests and collecting supplies during the early days of the game.
Possible Ideas:
-When a zombie is killed in the world beyond, strength of midnight attack is weakened
-Midnight attack will damage/lower town defences making it more vital to build up defences each day.
-(A) Option to give NPCs weapons to increase the towns defences (gives a use for outdated weapons)
-(B) Building to construct that allows storage of weapons for backup defence (if barricades are breached)
-When zombie count exceeds defences, town gets overrun.