Friday, 31 May 2013

May 31st Progress

Today I was able to implement quite an important feature. I came up with a series of equations to determine the size of the midnight attack (progressively gets stronger - some days may have a couple less zombies, depending on chance).

The days you have survived in the town are now tracked, but do not begin until you have completed the first quest for Robert. (Need to complete this quest before leaving town).

Fixes: I was able to fix several glitches in the quest system, in some cases where rewards were not actually received. When talking to NPC's there was also a glitch where you could walk around sometimes, that was also fixed.
Several other minor glitches were fixed.

There are no screenshots for todays progress unfortunately. Tomorrow, I will continue working on the midnight attack feature (graphics) and possibly move onto more interior for the hospital/stores in town.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Request: Beta Testers (13/100)

I have been working very hard lately to finish up with some big features of Renewal and have just recently been touching up on a lot of the small things. Rather than making a post on all of the new things/features that have been added to the game since 0.4.2 I have thrown together a short trailer. Some of the screenshots contained in this trailer show features that are new, and some may include features that are not really visible (Sound effects, functions, etc).

Exam time is rapidly approaching again so I am not sure how much time I will be able to fit in to working on Renewal over the next few weeks, but I will try my best to update the blog when I find time to add new things.

If you are interested in being a beta tester for V0.5, please contact me at
I am currently holding at a limit of 100 (MAX.) beta testers so if you are interested, contact me ASAP. However this limit may be modified.
I am currently expecting beta testing versions of 0.5 to be released around July 2013. Mainly for the fact that I will need to add a lot of content (items, skills, weapons, etc.) before it is ready.

Current Beta Testers (13/100)